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Sponsored allows business owners to write and read reviews on customers for free
BOSTON, MA — The B2B review site is gaining popularity nationwide. It reduces the uncertainty business owners often feel when engaging with potential clients/customers about whether to do business together. Any business owner knows that gaining just one well-matched new customer can be a profitable and enjoyable experience. Avoiding a client who is not a good match could save the business owner and the prospective customer significant time, money and undo stress.
To write reviews on customers or read reviews on past clients visit
For example you take on a new customer; the estimate was signed and accepted. You did some work and they were happy. When the balance was due you called and spoke with the client about it and they said “They wanted to pay, but would have to call you back.” That was the last response you got, even after many voicemails, letters and certified letters. You are lucky and it only takes you nine months and a moderate amount of stress and aggravation to get paid.
You mentioned this legal hiccup with this account to a person who had worked with them before and he says, “I heard a lot of people who worked there had trouble getting paid”. Valuable information to know before you entered into a business relationship. can:
-Save money
-Increase profits
-Reduce bad debt
-Increase peace of mind
-Help your business avoid customers who are not a good match for your business
The new website is the brainchild of a business owner, who with the feedback from a focus group of business owners, conceived the idea based on their own experiences. In a sense it is a “reverse Angie’s list/Yelp”, a website where businesses can write and search for reviews on customers. Current members have reported customers wanting business owners to write good reviews on them so they can attract and work with better quality businesses. This is not a blacklist, but a “rainbow list”, with reviews on good customers, potential customers that may not be a good match for your business and everywhere in between.
The new website went live earlier this year. The site is free to business owners for a limited time. To learn more, go to or [email protected].