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ST. LOUIS — Quality Service Contractors raised $11,805 for Challenge Air, an aviation program that benefits physically challenged children and young people, at a charity golf tournament July 28 just before its Power Meeting XXIII here.
The Meadows Foundation of Dallas will match the amount raised by QSC members, giving Challenge Air a total of $23,610. In the last two years, QSC members have raised more than $34,000 through golf tournaments and other donations. QSC member Sonny Friedman of Atlas Plumbing & Heating in Dallas has spearheaded the effort.
The golf tournament was sponsored by QSC Industry Partner, Hodes Co., which paid for all golfing fees. Hodes Co. manufactures, assembles, packages and distributes plumbing products and tools to plumbing service shops through independent sales distributors.
QSC members paid a $150 registration fee to play. Besides the registration fees, donations were made by many QSC members and Lynn Heidler of Annapolis, Md.
Any money raised went to Challenge Air for Kids and Friends, a notforprofit Texas-based organization that provides 20- to 30-minute flights to physically challenged children, young people and their families. The Challenge Air flights and related events are free to participating families and are underwritten by individual, philanthropic and corporate donors. Retired U.S. Navy Lt. Richard Owen Amber, a pilot who lost the use of his legs in 1971 in a crash that occurred while returning from a mission over Vietnam, founded Challenge Air in 1993. Amber died in 1997.
For more information, go to, call 214/351-3353 or fax 214/351-6002. A schedule of events and details on how to get involved are included on the Website.