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More than $100 billion worth of upcoming construction projects will be highlighted
at the first-ever California Construction Expo, as a consortium of government agencies
seek contractors, designers and workers for the building program sprees ahead.
The Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles Unified School District and
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California together will host the California
Construction Expo Aug. 17 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
The expo will showcase government construction contracts proposed or currently underway
in a variety of sectors, from schools and airports to utilities and infrastructure.
Contractors, designers, construction professionals and suppliers will have the opportunity
to hear directly from leading government agencies about the many opportunities available
for contracting.
Workshops offered at the expo will cover a variety of areas in construction including:
building California schools and airports; public utilities and infrastructure; sustainable
design and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification; and effective means
to attract skilled labor in today's competitive marketplace. The Expo will showcase innovative
products and services relevant to the construction field and related industries, while
providing networking opportunities for businesses and individuals interested in California's
construction industry.
To register, or for more information, visit