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TUCSON ARIZ. — The news story about Lennar Corp. is outrageous ("Builder tells subs to cut prices mid-contract," March, pg. 7). We know it is commonplace for builders/developers to negotiate contract prices when needed, but for a builder like Lennar to force the level of cuts proposed isn't right!
The subcontractors must stand firm together as group — if they don't they'll fall like dominoes! The subs must look at the big picture — it's they who actually "do" the work and it is they who actually have the "power." Big developers are just going to have to get used to smaller profit margins.
The subs can't be squeezed on one side from rising fuel, material costs and insurance premiums and then squeezed from the developers' end to make less. How will they, (developer corporate executives) feel when these subcontractors give up like many of our nation's farmers and say it's just not worth it any more!
Greed is a nasty business!
Stephanie Ballesteros
Cherry Landscape Inc.