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The courses are co-presented by Fred Bauman, a prominent scientist at CBE, and Jason McKinnon, director of training, Viega.
Viega recently announced a partnership with the CBE. Educating the industry on new and more efficient technologies for commercial integrated hydronics systems was one of the initial goals of the association between the two organizations.
The radiant training seminars are scheduled for May 13, 2015, in Washington D.C. and Nov. 3, 2015, in San Francisco. The seminars will teach how radiant systems work, heat transfer fundamentals, energy use and thermal comfort in comparison to conventional all-air systems. Project examples and design guidance will also be covered.
“These radiant seminars provide a wealth of industry knowledge,” said Mark Parent, director of product management at Viega. “There is a lack of industry knowledge when it comes to radiant heating and cooling. Our hope is to help educate the industry on newer and more efficient technologies when designing commercial integrated hydronics systems.”
CBE is a research program on advanced integrated systems with a focus on radiant slab cooling, also known as thermally activated building systems (TABS). CBE recently accepted a $3 million grant over the next three years on radiant slab systems to research methods for optimizing radiant systems for energy efficiency and comfort.
Viega provides radiant heating and cooling systems. Suitable for residential, commercial or industrial applications, Viega ProRadiant heating and cooling solutions include ViegaPEX Barrier tubing, Viega FostaPEX tubing, Viega PEX Press fittings, manifolds, controls, mixing stations, sensors, mats, panels, tracks and plates.
Register for one of Viega’s radiant seminars today!