Latest from Plumbing
By Barbara C. Higgens
Plumbing Manufacturers Institute
Executive Director
SCHAUMBURG, ILL. — I enjoyed Bob Miodonski's editorial as always ( "'Talk to Your Plumber' book speaks volumes," August, pg. 90). The "image" issue is one that bothers me quite bit too.
I feel that poor image/perceptions often lead to our manufacturers being "picked on" by various groups with little respect for or understanding of the wonderful and innovative products/ technologies produced by our group. I'm not fond of the "Rodney Dangerfield" role in which we frequently find ourselves. We at PMI, together with our members, work hard to help change these prejudices and preconceived notions.
It is amazing and frustrating to me that folks are sometimes surprised to learn that manufacturers care about water conservation, in addition to other environmental issues, public health/safety and product performance. Legislation doesn't dictate our conscience. PMI's mission statement embraces all these concerns and more!
One day, rather than being taken for granted, I hope that our manufacturers are viewed with the awe and respect that they each deserve given their contributions to enhancing the quality of our lives. I look forward to a time when, rather than bragging about the latest new techno gadget, folks are singing the praises of their fabulous fittings and fixtures, turning others green with envy!