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Mapping Performance Marketing for Home Services

April 23, 2024
The very nature of this vertical demands discipline in both strategy and execution.

How do home services brands break through the noise of competitive advertising, build (and maintain) awareness that elevates them above competitor messaging and ensure they’re on the short list of service providers when a lead starts calling for estimates? The truth is, the home services category is one of the most difficult and complex to manage from a marketing perspective.

From cost-effective lead generation to assertive service area expansion and maintaining a persistent share of voice, the pathway to growth is less a highway and more an intricate obstacle course. The very nature of this vertical—marked by granular geographic seasonality, the whims of unpredictable weather events and macroeconomics trends—demands discipline in both strategy and execution.

Seasonality & Micro-Marketing

Marketing for home services does not have a successful one-size-fits-all strategy across the DMAs, regions and states that build into a national footprint. The impact of seasonality fluctuates wildly across regions—a reality that calls for an acute understanding of each micro-market's pulse. A sudden storm can either spike demand or stall your carefully laid plans. Your ability to pivot, to preemptively adjust lead volume —informed by a forecast model that marries climatic patterns with consumer behavior—is not just an advantage, it's your lifeline.

Strategic media planning that is inherently flexible and responsive allows for swift allocation adjustments that are in sync with on-the-ground realities, thereby preserving media dollars when conditions for leads are unfavorable and maximizing media efficiencies when they are.

Dominance Through Share of Voice

Visibility and awareness are the lifeblood of any home services marketing campaign. Many of the homeowner trigger points to seek out a provider—for example plumbing, HVAC, roofing or foundation repair—are often driven by an untenable living situation that requires an immediate fix. It's in those moments that the often underappreciated upper funnel awareness drivers do their job, inciting brand recall and harnessing leads through branded search or direct calls.

To that end, at a minimum, brands should be in the top three among competitors for share of voice in each market. The pursuit of a top three share of voice necessitates a meticulous approach of dissecting competitive spend trends, adjusting tactics weekly and optimizing media buys to cut through the noise. The goal is not just to compete but to dominate the conversation in every key market.

Lead Flow & Rapid Response

High-velocity speed and precision in lead response are not just virtues—they are imperative for maximizing conversions. Every marketer and sales pro knows that leads are perishable commodities, and the rate of decay is swift. Each moment of operational delay gives your competition a chance to get there first—and it can spell the difference between a sale secured and a lead lost.

Establishing rapid lead response protocols that ensure prompt appointment setting will keep potential customers engaged and moving through the conversion funnel. Each consumer interaction is an opportunity to solidify trust and provide value to the customer, particularly when your reps are in the customers’ home. To keep this rapid response protocol at peak efficiency, the lead volume flow must be carefully managed, market by market and sometimes branch by branch. By aligning customer expectations with predictive lead flow modeling, conversion rates can be improved significantly, leading to measured growth and a stronger market footprint.

Predictive Analytics

The treasure trove of data amassed from these customer interactions (hopefully captured in your CRM) provides more than just a rear-view mirror perspective—it informs the road ahead. Advanced predictive analytics can provide deep insights into your conversion metrics, giving a clear picture of where, when and how your marketing dollars are achieving maximum impact.

This upper-to-lower funnel visibility isn't merely analytical; it's actionable, and when cross-referenced with media performance by channel along with historical performance in your specific vertical, it provides a clear blueprint for maximizing optimal return on ad spend (ROAS), fueling precision growth.

Message & Offer Testing

The fast-paced landscape of home services marketing doesn't permit complacency. It requires continuous creative and offer testing to elicit maximum consumer response. And your offer configurations (25% off, XYZ Guarantee, etc.) are only as good as what direct competitors are pushing in the market. If your offer suddenly sees a dip in performance, have you looked to see what new offers your competition has introduced? Price-conscious consumers are hyperaware of seasonal and limited time offers and your ability to pivot and counter when necessary, should be lightning fast.

Whether adjusting offers and creative based on competitive insights or aligning seasonal messaging with nuanced market demand signals, strategies need to be continually refined.

Leading the Pack

In this unpredictable and highly competitive niche of home services marketing, the position of market leaders is not accidental—it's the fruit of deliberate, data-driven strategy and performance-focused execution. Each challenge unraveled presents a new opportunity for growth and a path to outperform your competitors. By working with an agency partner who truly understand the challenges of your vertical, your marketing initiatives can be as dynamic and resilient as the market demands, ensuring your brand leads the pack, ready to thrive, no matter the season or the storm.

Christian Jones is SVP Marketing & Client Development, Hawthorne Advertising

About the Author

Christian Jones

Christian Jones is SVP Marketing & Client Development for Hawthorne Advertising, a pioneer in the peformance marketing space delivering full-funnel, omni-channel campaigns driven by data and insights. 

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