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The underpinning of all communication today is Hypertext Mark Up Language or HTML. This is the raw data representation of our communications and is sent from my cloud to your cloud. It is interpreted by your device and converted into the written word with graphic depictions and powerful links to an evolving metaverse. We can link to anything in this new meta-world we wish to communicate to our audience. Yet we still think and work as if we still live in a paper world. We need to start thinking and doing everything in HTML. We need to close the conversion gaps in our communications. Gaps between our devices/phones and the creation of HTML presentation.
I am pleased that our Reinvention has us a step closer to this by having our sponsors and contributing editors post their articles and links to their resources in HTML.
Pointed at an HTML editor as I speak into my phone to write these words my phone converts my words into HTML. No paper is used, and no paper thinking occurs.
In the last few months, our sponsors and contributing editors have been focused on creating and confirming speakers for our Free Education Sessions at the upcoming AHR Expo.
We are extremely pleased with our Free Education Sessions for Atlanta and how it was created by several folks working on this actual document online—which is now a living document with speakers and information being updated daily. Our contributing editors and our sponsors have created this very diverse program of which we are very proud.
This search returns all our sessions on AHRExpo website. Their HTML, Their Cloud.
A search of one of our sponsors, BACnet, provides these additional educational sessions.
There is a lot going on in Atlanta, with over 85 free educational programs.
View the full education schedule
From this post, The Journey to Near Realtime HTML Presentation:
Working in HTML is not new. I have been an HTML zealot since ever from my article from 1998,
I have been using HTML as my communication medium for almost 25 years and have seen consistent improvements in the ease of use of WYSIWYG HTML editors. So I am excited about creating the context of our industry in machine-readable HTML posts on our website and social media. We encourage everyone to do the same we need to feed AI with valuable content.
What have we learned in our first month of being online?
The power of writing directly in HTML and linking to all our sponsors and contributing editors.
HTML is the "now" paper that we now need to express ourselves with.
Our newest tool is our embedded HTML editor not paper-focused programs like Word.
The email was the first step and its HTML underpinning is still the carrier of most industry information with attached files carrying pieces of HTML presentations to be assembled by a handler into a posted HTML page. We need to evolve to be our own Handler—or create an extremely close relationship with our HTML handler—to move closer to real-time presentation.
When we present and speak anywhere, an HTML trail readable by all in online words needs to lead to the recorded video with the virtual context in which it was presented.
This HTML trail is not just read by people, it is read by online bots representing the information in many forms.
Working in an HTML editor is a new freedom that allows graphical presentations and linked connections in real-time to the evolving Metaverse in a language it understands .
HTML and its Meta Tags are machine-readable and are the core of social media presence.
HTML presentation is much of the Augmentation in Augmented Reality and how Artificial Intelligence will learn.
HTML is “the raw data of our speak,” machine manageable by the Metaverse…. whatever that is.
I received pushback with this post as I bend the definition of Metaverse, “a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users.”
But in loose terms this article you are reading fits that definition.
This post calls for Creating your Metaverse Persona. (Likely would have been better titled Creating your HTML Persona.) But before I start quoting from the article, here are a few handy definitions:
Metaverse – a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users.
Handler – a person who handles or deals with certain articles or commodities
Persona – the aspect of someone’s character that is presented to or perceived by others
The newest online support person we need to be able to reach is what I am now calling your “Metaverse Handler” to help portray and best present your online Persona.
There is a lot of discussion about where the metaverse starts but in my mind once we create an online persona we are in the metaverse merge ramp and there is no turning back.
In fact, we now need a team of metaverse handlers to build our brand and online image. This has become job number one because this is how most people now see us.
As I try to better understand our reinvention I now understand the need for the movers and shakers of the industry to answer my question. Who is your Metaverse Handler?
The new AutomatedBuildings is part of the solution but you need a Metaverse Handler to coordinate your new persona on our site a contexted online linking library supported by the industry.
FAQ – Questions about
We no longer write for paper production, we write about our online presence in the cloud from anywhere, anytime with any device. The value of a Word file has become very questionable yet we still think like paper-saurs struggling with our evolution to the Metaverse.
At the same time, our Metaverse Handler creates a virtual online path to who we are and our services. They provide who we are, where we are, and why in almost real-time with the final edit online by ourselves.
As we Zoom here and join Teams there and become part of a myriad of online actions and interactions in the Metaverse, we need to carefully architect this new virtual persona which is destined to be greater than our now presence.
In our reinvention of the website, it has become clear that we all need to have a better vehicle to feed and control our online presence and mediate connections. Everyone is too busy doing and only a few have taken up the task of telling the world about the valuable work we are doing. As we become an IoT industry we need to fix this.
Ken Sinclair | Editor/Owner/Founder
Ken Sinclair has been called an oracle of the digital age. He sees himself more as a storyteller and hopes the stories he tells will be a catalyst for the IoT future we are all (eventually) going to live. The more than 50 chapters in that ongoing story of digital transformation below are peppered with HTML links to articles containing an amazing and diverse amount of information.
Ken believes that systems will be smarter, self-learning, edgy, innovative, and sophisticated, and to create, manage and re-invent those systems the industry needs to grow our most important resource, our younger people, by reaching out to them with messages about how vibrant, vital and rewarding working in this industry can be.