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On this, the 70th Anniversary of CONTRACTOR, it seems only fitting to reprint the first editorial published in our very first issue. Written by founder Herbert Walther—who, at the time, seems to have been juggling three jobs as Publisher, Editor-in-Chief and Head of Sales—it touches on some points that are no longer relevant, and some that remain true to this day.
For one thing, we no longer publish twice a month. For another, we no longer cover the HVAC/R industry. That become the domain of our sister publication (and fellow Endeavor Business Media brand) Contracting Business. Likewise, our wholesaler and manufacturer audience has declined as our focus has concentrated on the plumbing & heating contractor.
One thing that has not changed is our independence. We are not the voice of any industry association, union, syndicate or manufacturing concern. To this day we answer to no one but you, our reader. And I say with some pride that I and the editors that came before me have fought tooth-and-nail to preserve that independence.
Which means Herb’s last point is as relevant now as it was back in 1954: we need you, the reader, to make us a better publication better serving your needs. Tell us what topics interest you, what stories resonate with you, what writers you want to hear more from. For all the information we can get from Internet analytics and reports, nothing beats an email (or a good old-fashioned letter) to the editor.
And so, without further ado, take it away Herb…
CONTRACTOR will be a magazine of the type the plumbing, heating and air conditioning industry has not yet experienced. While we intend to give you readers a complete editorial service along fairly conventional lines, the techniques used will make reading more appetizing and less time-consuming.
For example, the tabloid size permits the editor to assemble a variety of subjects before your eyes at the same time, permitting you to scan the news quickly; likewise, the twice-a-month frequency reduces the physical labor absorbing the contents of any one issue—you get smaller bites of fresher news more often.
Brevity in writing style, familiarity with industry interests and people, and editorial integrity are characteristic of the people behind our venture.
Our selected audience is the whole industry, including (primarily) contractors, wholesalers and manufacturers. But we refine our editorial aim a bit more closely; for instance, we will provide editorial features on “management, merchandising, methods and materials” of a type that we think will appeal to the employing contractor, the contractor who employs two or more men.
Now, there are a few things we want you readers to know:
First, CONTRACTOR is independent. We represent no special interest.
Second, as most of you who have seen our work under previous auspices should know, we love this plumbing-heating-air conditioning industry, believe it has an expanding and profitable future, and are convinced we can perform a useful purpose, the purpose of creating a better-informed industry, and an industry more quickly responsive to its opportunities.
Third, to do that job effectively we ask for your support, which means simply this: write to us about the subjects we introduce; comment pro and con on opinions expressed; tell us where you think we can direct new editorial inquiries.
In short, make CONTRACTOR part of your business existence. That will help you with a better magazine.
Our pledge to you is that we will deliver a vigorous, enterprising journalistic service to you, on principles of honesty, fairness and integrity.
-- Jan. 1st, 1954.
Steve Spaulding | Editor-inChief - CONTRACTOR
Steve Spaulding is Editor-in-Chief for CONTRACTOR Magazine. He has been with the magazine since 1996, and has contributed to Radiant Living, NATE Magazine, and other Endeavor Media properties.