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NAPA, CALIF. -- The Board of Directors of the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors of California (CAPHCC) has announced the appointment of Peggy J. Hall as their interim Executive Vice President. Peggy is replacing Harry Moos who has retired, but will be retained as a consultant to PHCC.
Hall has been employed with PHCC since 1990 and brings a wealth of plumbing-heating-cooling association experience to her position. She has served in the capacity of Director of Operations, Administrator of both the PHCC Medical Insurance Trust and PHCC GSA PUAC, and in addition, currently holds the position of President of Trade Select, Inc., the Association’s in-house management company and insurance agency. She can be reached at [email protected].
The California PHCC recently elected their new officers and Directors at the PHCC West annual convention in Napa, California. In addition to President Tom LeDuc, they are: Vice President: John Roeber, Roeber’s, Inc., Castro Valley; Secretary/Treasurer: George Salet, George Salet Plumbing, Brisbane, and past-President Jerry Hotarek, San Francisco. Directors are: Guy Tankersley, Cal-Delta Plumbing, Sacramento; Chuck Barrett, KCs 231/2 Hour Plumbing Service, Orange; Jeff Eisen, J & J Plumbing Service, S. Pasadena; Roger Lighthart, The Lighthart Corporation, Los Angeles; and, Ed O’Connell, O’Connell Plumbing, Fairfax. The PHCC National Zone 4 Director is Steve Rivers, Rivers Plumbing, Heating & Air, Pleasanton.