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Design & Construction Week Holds Opening Ceremonies
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials will award recognition to a Green Contractor of the Year at the association's annual conference this fall. The award will honor the member contractor who best demonstrates commitment to environmental sustainability through his work in the plumbing and mechanical industries. Green Contractor nominations should be presented to the IAPMO Board of Directors through the Committee for Awareness and Understanding of a Sustainable Environment, the Green Technical Committee or the Board itself.
The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association of Chicago will hold its 2009 Trade Show on Tuesday, March 31, at Drury Lane, Oakbrook Terrace, Ill. If you wish to have an exhibit at the association's trade show, an exhibitor invite form is available to download at and the exhibitor kit can be downloaded at Pre-registration is required by Feb. 27, 2009.
John Hill of Orlando, Fla., celebrated Benjamin Franklin's birthday on Jan. 17 with a $26,000 cash prize from Clockwork Home Services. Clockwork executives and franchise owners, along with a Ben Franklin look-alike, delivered the check to Hill, winner of the company's “Win $26k“ competition to support its nationally branded home services franchises.
Southeast Pennsylvania Chapter Associated Builders and Contractors and American Infrastructure gave approximately 31 students from Norristown and Plymouth Whitemarsh High Schools the opportunity to operate a simulation of a John Deere Excavator at the ABC SEPA headquarters in East Norriton, Pa., on January 21. The interactive event is part of the Chapter's commitment to the ACE (Architects Contractors and Engineers) Mentor Program of eastern Pennsylvania, a program giving high school students an opportunity to learn more about careers in architecture, engineering and construction.
The Dwyer Group was recently honored for donating more food than any other company with 100 or more employees to the local Food for Families food drive. The company also set a new internal record, donating 27,717 pounds of food to the Waco-based Caritas agency to feed needy families of Central Texas. The Dwyer Group has participated in the Food for Families drive for nine years, consistently beating each year's record.