MOKENA, IL — ASSE 1016-2017/ASME A112.1016-2017/CSA B125.16-17, Performance Requirements for Automatic Compensating Valves for Individual Showers and Tub/Shower Combinations, has been designated as an American National Standard by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and is now available for purchase.
This is the second edition of the tri-harmonized ASSE 1016/ASME A112.1016/CSA B125.16, which supersedes the 2011 edition and provides engineers, designers, manufacturers, health authorities, and others with a set of minimum performance requirements for individual automatic compensating valves, which are intended to be installed at the point of use where users have access to flow or final temperature controls, and where no further mixing occurs downstream of the device. Shower control valves covered by this standard will, in cases of changes to the incoming water supply pressure or temperature, reduce the risk of scalding and thermal shock by protecting the user from exposure to changes in water temperature by providing a means of automatically maintaining the water temperature selected for an outlet.
This standard results from a harmonization agreement between three premiere North American standards development organizations – the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASSE International, and the CSA Group. This harmonization was designed to bring clarity to the North American plumbing community and help control rising costs for manufacturers and consumers. Harmonization of performance requirements benefits manufacturers by eliminating different requirements for the same product offered in both countries. The harmonization of three unique standards allows individual automatic compensating valves intended for different domestic markets to be designed, manufactured, and tested to a common standard, providing consistent products and a common basis for comparison.
ASSE 1016-2017/ASME A112.1016-2017/CSA B125.16-17 was developed by the ASSE/ASME/CSA Harmonization Task Group on Plumbing Fittings, under the jurisdiction of the ASME A112 Main Committee, ASSE International Product Standards Committee, and CSA Technical Committee on Plumbing Fittings, and built off of the separate standards contributed by each of the three developers. The final standard was approved by the ASME Standards Committee on Plumbing Materials and Equipment, ASSE Product Standards Committee, and CSA Technical Committee, and designated as an American National Standard by ANSI.
To purchase ASSE 1016-2017/ASME A112.1016-2017/CSA B125.16-17, please visit stores.assewebstore.com, asme.org/shop, or shop.csa.ca. For questions regarding the standard, contact Conrad Jahrling, ASSE International Staff Engineering Supervisor, by email at [email protected] or by phone at 708/995-3017.