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Watts has announced the grand prize winner of its 150th Anniversary Sweepstakes: Dave Plasschaert, an engineer from the Chicago area. Dave has won an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Boston, MA.
His winning entry was earned through participation in the Watts Works Learning Program, which includes Lunch & Learns, in-person training at Watts Learning Centers and eLearning via Watts Works Online. His dedication to expanding his professional knowledge not only strengthened his expertise, but also secured him this exciting prize.
While the 150th Anniversary Sweepstakes has concluded, Watts remains committed to supporting industry professionals through its ongoing Learn & Earn program. Participants can continue earning tokens and tickets by learning about Watts' differentiated products and solutions. Tokens can be redeemed for a variety of free lifestyle merchandise, while tickets provide entry into various sweepstakes held throughout the year.
For more details on upcoming sweepstakes and learning opportunities, visit