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Monthly Plumbing Quiz: Drain Cleaning
This biennial event continues to provide critical insight into the future of our water related industries. Nowhere else is such focused attention provided for professionals on all facets of optimizing the safe and efficient use of water. Join with your colleagues on May 15th and 16th, 2018 in Ontario, California.
The Key Note speaker is Dr. Peter Williams, Chief Technology Officer for Big Green at IBM. Dr. Williams has played a major role in the development and delivery of IBM’s smart cities, water management and resilience solutions. He has worked with organizations as diverse as the UN and EU; many city, state and local governments; and many utilities on these issues. Williams co-wrote the UN’s City Disaster Resilience Scorecard, used by about 40 cities globally, and now scheduled to be used by a further 200. His key note will focus on how IT solutions, smart sensors and big data are changing what we know about consumer water use.
Hear Professor Steven Buchberger from the University of Cincinnati and IAPMO’s Daniel Cole discuss the first statistically based update to Hunter’s Curve since the 1940’s. This new approach to pipe sizing, which takes today’s more efficient plumbing fixtures and appliances into account, will improve the water and energy efficiency of every building that is designed using the new method. It will also reduce water residency time in premise plumbing systems, which will help to improve water quality and mitigate breakouts from opportunistic pathogens in water, all without increasing construction costs. Learn how a simple Excel based calculator will allow designers of plumbing systems to easily apply this critically important new quickly and easily.
Learn from Eli Goldstein, CEO at SkyCool Systems, Inc. about the new non-evaporative passive cooling technology that can be harnessed to radiate heat to the sky, and can even cool to sub-ambient temperatures under direct sunlight and how the system works to save water.
Paula Kehoe of San Francisco Public Utilities Commission will update attendees on their efforts to advance the use of non-potable water systems. The non-potable water program is an interagency collaboration with the Department of Public Health (SFDPH), Department of Building Inspection (SFDBI), and San Francisco Public Works. Hear how it has helped to establish a regulatory framework and water quality monitoring and reporting requirements for the collection and use of alternate water supplies such as rainwater, graywater, stormwater, foundation drainage, and blackwater for non-potable applications such as toilet flushing and irrigation.
Dr. Markus Lenger, Principal at Clean Blu, Inc. will be back at the EWTS to discuss the role of water reuse in smart cities. Which existing systems can be reused or re-purposed and what sensors will deliver a realistic and power efficient way of collecting data needed? Dr. Lenger will walk attendees through the trends, technologies, concepts and implementations around the world, their relationship to water reuse and how they change lives, improve efficiency and bring sustainability to a whole new level.